
About Us

ElderDog Canada Inc. is a national, community-based, non-profit and registered charity which assists and supports older adults in the care and well-being of their canine companions. We provide care and companionship for older dogs whose lives have been disrupted due to illness or death of a human companion. We also conduct and support research and educate about the human-animal bond and the significant role of companion animals in the health and well-being of seniors. 

ElderDog is volunteer run and provides services free of charge, relying on the proceeds from our on-line store and donations to fund programs and activities. The items we select and sell in our on-line store are carefully chosen to ensure we offer only high quality, environmentally friendly and sustainable products. Thank you for being one of our customers and supporting our important work.

To make a donation or for more information please visit us at or contact us at or call  1-855-336-4226. Our National Office is located in beautiful Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Our mailing address is 907 Feltzen South Road, RR#1 Rose Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada  B0J 2X0.

You can also find us on and follow us on twitter@ElderDogCanada.